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Nu credeți în MINUNI? O tânără de 16 ani a supravieţuit unei SĂRITURI din AVION, cu o paraşută defectă

OTTAWA, IL - AUGUST 03: Skydivers leave the plane at 18,000 ft as they attempt to complete a record-breaking 138 man formation over the stunning countryside of Ottawa, USA, 3rd August 2012. FLYING face-first at speeds of up to 175 miles-per hour from 18,000 feet 138 fearless skydivers broke the freeflying world record for the most people linked in mid-air. Freeflying is one of the most adrenalin-fuelled forms of sky-diving, where like Hollywood stuntmen in an action-packed blockbuster movie, each participant must dive face-first towards the ground for maximum speed. The dramatic footage shows how dozens of individual freeflyers jumped from six aircraft were able to successfully join-hands and smash the previous 2009 record for 106 freeflying skydivers linking hands in mid-air. If the record attempt went wrong in a best case scenario participant would be forced to separate and parachute to safety upon approaching the ground. In a worst case scenario a parachute could fail and lead to one or more people being killed. Jumping from fixed-wing aeroplanes above the stunning countryside surrounding Ottawa, Illinois the group - under the leadership of organiser and Chicago-based skydiving legend, Rook Nelson - sped headfirst towards the ground on a mission to link hands in mid-air. Over the space of two days the team made several attempts, including a stomach-churning mid-air collision between two would-be record breakers, 138 people finally managed to safely link hands and dive into the history books on the last jump. PHOTOGRAPH BY Norman Kent / Barcroft Media UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W

OTTAWA, IL - AUGUST 03: Skydivers leave the plane at 18,000 ft as they attempt to complete a record-breaking 138 man formation over the stunning countryside of Ottawa, USA, 3rd August 2012. FLYING face-first at speeds of up to 175 miles-per hour from 18,000 feet 138 fearless skydivers broke the freeflying world record for the most people linked in mid-air. Freeflying is one of the most adrenalin-fuelled forms of sky-diving, where like Hollywood stuntmen in an action-packed blockbuster movie, each participant must dive face-first towards the ground for maximum speed. The dramatic footage shows how dozens of individual freeflyers jumped from six aircraft were able to successfully join-hands and smash the previous 2009 record for 106 freeflying skydivers linking hands in mid-air. If the record attempt went wrong in a best case scenario participant would be forced to separate and parachute to safety upon approaching the ground. In a worst case scenario a parachute could fail and lead to one or more people being killed. Jumping from fixed-wing aeroplanes above the stunning countryside surrounding Ottawa, Illinois the group - under the leadership of organiser and Chicago-based skydiving legend, Rook Nelson - sped headfirst towards the ground on a mission to link hands in mid-air. Over the space of two days the team made several attempts, including a stomach-churning mid-air collision between two would-be record breakers, 138 people finally managed to safely link hands and dive into the history books on the last jump. PHOTOGRAPH BY Norman Kent / Barcroft Media UK Office, London. T +44 845 370 2233 W USA Office, New York City. T +1 212 796 2458 W Indian Office, Delhi. T +91 11 4053 2429 W

O tânără de 16 ani din oraşul Joshua, Texas, a supravieţuit unei căderi de la peste 1.000 de metri după ce paraşuta fie i s-a încâlcit, fie s-a defectat, la scurt timp după ce a sărit din avion, scrie

Makenzie Wethington a primit cadou de la tatăl ei un salt cu paraşuta deasupra statului Oklahoma, la împlinirea vârstei de 16 ani. Însă evenimentul care ar fi trebuit să fie unul fericit pentru cei doi, din moment ce au sărit împreună, a fost cât pe ce să se transforme într-o tragedie. Spre surprinderea medicilor, fata a supravieţuit căderii libere.

Sora tinerei, Meagan Wethington, le-a declarat jurnaliştilor că este posibil ca paraşuta fie să se fi încurcat, fie să fi fost defectă.

Meagan a mai spus că instructorii au încercat să vorbească cu tânăra prin radio, în timpul căderii, dar fata nu a răspuns, posibil pentru că îşi pierduse cunoştinţa.

Potrivit chirurgului traumatolog, dr. Jeffrey Bender, în urma căzăturii, tânăra s-a ales cu o rană la ficat, pelvisul fracturat, fractură în zona lombară, fractură de umăr, mai multe coaste rupte şi un dinte spart.

„Nu cunosc amănunte despre accident, pentru că nu am fost acolo. Dar, dacă a căzut într-adevăr de la peste 1.000 de metri, atunci nu am idee cum a supravieţuit”, a spus dr. Jeffrey Bender.

Tatăl fetei, care a sărit primul din avion, a aterizat în siguranţă şi a privit îngrozit fiica cum cade în spirală, fără să-şi poata controla coborarea.

In 2013, un alt paraşutist a supravieţuit unei căderi de la 3.000 de metri, după ce paraşuta sa s-a strâns în timpul unei manevre făcute cu un prieten.


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