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Invenția care te scapă de mâncatul excesiv (video)

Ferrari Press Agency Ref 8053 12/05/2017 Volumes1 See Ferrari text Pictures MUST credit: Marije Vogelzang Here’s a tasty way to help stop people over-eating.The objects, known as Volumes, sit on a plate limiting the amount of food that can be placed on it.They were created by Dutch food expert Marije Vogelzang to help people experience more while eating less.She said people have a tendency to overeat because they visually mislead by large plates and wide glasses. By adding Volumes to the plate, the brain will register more food than there actually is. Vogelzang explained:” Research shows that our brain uses our visual capacities to register the amount of food we have eaten. “For example, if we eat shelled peanuts and leave the shells on the table we will eat less than if we would take the shells away directly after eating the peanuts. “We are not designed to actually keep track of how much we’ve consumed. “Most of us seem to rely on the size - the volume - of the food to tell us when we’re full. “We usually try to eat the same visible amount of food we’re used to eat.”The project Volumes is an attempt to influence eating behaviour and our eating culture. Vogelzang , who runs her own studio and works for Design Academy Eindhoven, added another benefit of Volumes was that the shapes enable people to place food on a plate with more care and attention. She continued:” They provide for playfulness and experimentation how to serve your food. “They will direct attention to the plate for the eater to focus and therefore be more in touch with signals from the brain giving evidence that we should have eaten enough.“By giving more attention to the presentation of our food we might be able to change our mindless consumption behaviour into a mindful experience. “For centuries most of the tableware china consisted out of plates and bowls. “These plates and bowls have grown together with our consumption behaviour in the last centuries. We

Un expert culinar din Olanda s-a gândit la o soluţie pentru a-i ajuta pe oameni să mănânce mai puţin şi să slăbească fără a întâmpina dificultăţi, informează CSID.

Un expert culinar din Olanda s-a gândit la o soluţie şi chiar a găsit-o: a inventat nişte obiecte inedite care imită anumite mâncăruri, cum ar fi pastele sau delicioasa îngheţată. Plasat în mijlocul farfuriei, un astfel de obiect oferă creierului informaţia că mâncarea e îndestulătorare şi, astfel,  vei mânca mai puţin, dar te vei sătura.

Obiectele denumite Volumes au fost create de, un expert culinar, pentru a-i ajuta pe oameni să mănânce mai puţin.

„Farfuriile mari pe care aşezăm mâncarea ne păcălesc creierul că trebuie să mâncăm mai mult. Dacă farfuria nu este în întregime umplută cu mâncare, atunci creierul nostru va percepe că nu îi dăm suficientă hrană”, spune ea.


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